The Magic of a Family Maternity Session | Sun Prairie Photographer

There’s something magical about the golden hour—those precious moments right before the sun dips below the horizon, when the sky is painted in soft, warm hues of gold, pink, and orange. As a Sun Prairie Photographer, it’s one of my favorite times to capture families, especially during a Family Maternity session. It’s not just about the beautiful light but the emotions that seem to glow even brighter during this special chapter of life.

As a Sun Prairie Photographer, I recently had the privilege of doing a maternity session for a family I’ve had the honor of photographing a few times before. The sun showed up for us, and their session was nothing short of spectacular.

The Expectation of a New Chapter

The first time I met this family, I knew right away that their session would be special. As new parents, they had such a special love for their first baby boy, G, and we had the sweetest newborn session. And now that baby boy was a curious, giggly toddler and they were expecting their second child. Mama was positively glowing, that unmistakable beauty that comes with pregnancy. But more than anything, it was the love and excitement in the air that really stood out to this Sun Prairie Photographer. They weren’t just preparing to welcome a new baby into their lives—they were savoring the fleeting moments they had as a family of three.

A family of three laughs together during their photo session. Photo taken by Sun Prairie Photographer, Elizabeth Pachniak Photography.

As a Sun Prairie photographer, I’ve had the joy of capturing so many families as they grow and change. But each session feels different, because every family’s journey is unique. And for this family, this session was about more than just pictures—it was about pausing for a moment in time, holding onto the sweetness of now before life shifts and a new little one makes their debut.

Capturing the Magic of Golden Hour

As a Sun Prairie Photographer, I believe Golden hour is truly nature’s gift. The light is soft and flattering, and everything takes on a dreamy, almost ethereal quality. But more than that, it feels like a metaphor for the chapter of life second time parents are in. They’re in the “golden hour” of parenthood with their first baby, soaking up her wonder-filled toddler years while also preparing for something new.

I met this family at one of my favorite locations, not too far from Sun Prairie —a peaceful path surrounded by trees that seemed to glow in the late evening light. As soon as we arrived, G was off exploring, his tiny feet crunching in the grass, his giggles filling the air. Watching him, I couldn’t help but think about how fast these years go by. One minute, they’re wobbling on unsteady legs, and the next, they’re racing ahead, confident and full of life.

Tender Moments and Playful Laughter

As a Sun Prairie Photographer, during family maternity sessions I always try to blend tender, intimate moments with playful, candid shots. That balance between the quiet, meaningful glances and the belly laughs that come when you’re just enjoying being together is what makes these sessions so heartwarming.

We started with some posed shots of the whole family—Mom cradling her belly while Dad wrapped his arms around his family. G toddled around them, curiously peeking up at her mom’s belly as if she knew something big was about to change. The sun behind them cast a halo of light around their figures, making the moment feel truly magical.

A toddler boy kisses his moms pregnant belly during their family photography session by Sun Prairie Photographer, Elizabeth Pachniak Photography.

Then, we moved to some candid shots—G running to his dad, arms outstretched, and the pure joy on his face as Dad scooped him up into the air. As your Sun Prairie Photographer, these are the moments that I love the most.

Meanwhile, mom stood a few feet away, her hands resting gently on her belly. She watched her family with so much love, and in that moment, I could see both her joy and the weight of the transition they were about to make. Soon, their family would grow, and while there’s so much excitement in that, there’s also the bittersweet realization that this season with G as their only child is coming to an end.

The Power of Connection

As a Sun Prairie Photographer, one of the things that always strikes me during maternity sessions is the deep connection between parents. Mom and Dad have been through so much together already—the highs and lows of parenthood, the sleepless nights, the first words, the milestones—and now they’re preparing to do it all over again. But this time, they have the experience and wisdom of their first journey to carry with them.

As the sun sank lower, casting a golden glow, I captured a series of shots that spoke to that connection. Mom and Dad standing close, their foreheads touching, their eyes closed as if they were savoring the moment of peace and togetherness.

A Sentimental Goodbye to Golden Hour

As the session drew to a close, the last light of the sun bathed the field in a soft, rosy glow. This is what I love most about being a Sun Prairie photographer—capturing these fleeting moments that are gone in an instant but will be cherished for a lifetime.

For this family, these photos aren’t just about remembering the way they looked during their second pregnancy. They’re about remembering the love, the connection, and the anticipation they felt as they prepared for the next chapter of their lives.

As a Sun Prairie Photographer, for me, it’s about capturing that sense of timelessness. Golden hour will come and go, but the love and memories of this moment will last forever.

Why a Family Maternity Session?

As a Sun Prairie Photographer, I believe a maternity session is about more than just documenting a pregnancy. It’s about celebrating the journey, the anticipation, and the love that surrounds the arrival of a new baby. It’s a chance to capture your family as it is right now, in this moment, before everything changes again.

If you’re expecting, and looking for a Sun Prairie photographer, I would love to help you document this beautiful chapter of your life. Whether it’s golden hour or any other time of day, the most important thing is that these moments, these connections, are captured in a way that tells your story.

Because at the end of the day, that’s what family is—your story, beautifully unfolding, one golden moment at a time.

Sun Prairie Photographer

Hi there, and thank you so much for visiting! I’m Liz, owner and photographer behind the lens at Elizabeth Pachniak Photography, specializing in young and growing families in the Madison, WI area. To learn more about session offerings, visit, or follow along on Instagram!

As your Maternity, Newborn & Family Photographer in Madison WI, I can’t wait to connect and get your family photos on the calendar: Contact Now!

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All content Copyright © 2024 Elizabeth Pachniak Photography

family & newborn photographer serving Madison, WI

Creating meaningful images and heirloom artwork

